We have the information that some people create fake email IDs, copy our logo, and present themselves as partners. Their logo may appear like ours, but it is not the same. They cheat people by demanding some prepayment of the loan approval. Our services have no charges before your loan approval or whatever charges or tenure are there; we share all the information precisely.

Therefore, we alert the general public.

Beware of the people demanding any prepayment or processing fees for the approval of the loan. We never ask for processing fees before your loan amount's approval and disbursal. Once your documents are verified, only then do we disburse the amount. All the deduction as processing fees is made after the disbursement or from the paid amount only.

Various websites can misuse your details with the wrong intention. They can use your private information to withdraw cash from your account. So, always be conscious of accepting their terms and condition and don’t share your OTP with any unknown person.

Our official email id is registered with an official name like "[email protected]" It is not like gmail.com, yahoo.com, etc.

We condemn these delinquent actions that are violating the rules and financially hurt people in the wrong way.

Hence, we request all customers check the website’s authenticity, trustworthiness, and registration details before accepting the terms and conditions or applying for a loan.